The chat began to go crazy with requests for Lucah to get in on this, however she was on a plane during this time. During this, the commercials rolled for the viewers. With the game decided, Jon went to intermission and set things up.

The chat had a mixed reaction to this, but a vote is a vote and there was no changing it. In the end, it was decided that the next game would be Barbie for the NES. The chat typically blew up with them hyping the games they would like to see him play. The games were picked and the poll's link was dropped into the chat by Dantheenigma, and reposted a few times by Acfan120. “Yeah, but hey it's time for the cookie!” Jon exclaimed, ready to pick out the games for the next Fortune Cookie. “Uh, yeah it's on Twitch's side,” Jon told his viewers, “it's nothing on my end.” “Yeah, it blew up all over Twitter,” Brad followed up with. While the chat was trying to figure out what was going on, Jon and his fellow commentators had tried to calm down the chat.

Some were saying that they had heard a faint voice speaking to them during the lag, which lasted for 30 seconds. It got so bad that the chat thought Jon was being Ddos'd again, but alas that was not the case. Jon and his two friends were cracking similar jokes for the next minute before the signal got worse. DO NOT DUPLICATE.” “Well, sorry guys looks like we're getting shut down,” Jon joked around, unaware that something big was about to unfold. However upon further analyzation (and being pointed out by Brad, John and the many people watching the stream,) the final sentence on the screen read “Not for broadcast transmission of any kind. When the final screen of the game was displayed, he seen typical copyright messages displayed and thought nothing of it. After finishing off the final boss with an exploit, the credits rolled. It was close to Cookie Time, and Jon had skipped to the final battle of the game. One of Jon's pals had joked around saying that it was Biff, and that he got into Jon's system and began to mess around with stuff. Many of his viewers thought it was Twitch, and the chat had come to agree that it was the case. During his stream the signal was varying in quality lagging at points and even completely losing the signal. That night, he was joined by Brad and John, also known as CDIgames and nyvideogamefreak. It was a Fortune Cookie stream, and Jon was playing Super Back to the Future II on the Super Famicom. What may have seemed like a typical ProtonJon stream would actually turn out to be a tale that would be passed down for generations to come.